Spacecraft engines and power plant

Spacecraft engines and power plant
Spacecraft engines and power plant
Spacecraft engines and power plant

Department of Aircraft Engines and Power Plants
Major subject: Aircraft engines and power plants.
Direction: Aviation and Cosmonautics

Ion-plasma rocket engines and power plants of satellites and space vehicles are the objects of study.

engines and power unit of satellites and space vehicles

Ion-plasma technologies:
Brief annotation of the major subject and specializations:
Ion-plasma engines are the engines of the 21st century spacecraft. Their characteristics are unique: reliability, longevity, inexhaustible fuel reserves in space make them the only engines designed for distant flight. The electrojet engines are even now installed on many satellites and spacecraft of Russia, USA, France, FRG, Italy, Japan and other countries.

The heart of any space vehicle is the power plant, which includes onboard systems and devices which guarantees production, conversion, accumulation and electrical power distribution for the functioning of all systems on board the flight vehicle.

Under the terrestrial conditions "elecktrorocket engine" are used as "technological tool" for obtaining coatings from metallic and nonmetallic materials on the articles of industrial, everyday and medical usage, which makes it possible to sharply increase the service life of the articles, to make articles under "gold", "silver",etc.

The knowledge of computer designing technologies augmented by deep knowledge of the object of design makes it possible for specialists to be those claimed of any design bureau, research institutions, industrial enterprises.

Theoretical mechanics and theory of mechanisms and machines.

The international collaboration between scientists, engineers of different countries is impossible without knowledge of foreign languages, especially this is characteristic for the rocket-space branch, which ever more acquires international nature.To solve these problems is possible, being trained on the "scientific-technical translation" specialization.

4 years of training

Natural sciences disciplines
Higher mathematics
Computer equipment and programming
Engineering and computer graphics
Introduction to major subject
Theoretical mechanics and theory of mechanisms and machines
Mechanics of material and structures
Electrical engineering and electronics
Interchangeability and standardization
Designing of mechanisms and machines

Aviation materials science
Thermodynamics and heat exchange
Functional systems and information-measuring systems for aerospace engineering
Physical-chemical bases of technological processes
Energy and resource saving
Ergonomics and design
Economy of enterprises
Bases of labour protection activity
Marketing and management

Human engineering psychology
Vocational and practical disciplines
Solid-state physics
Theoretical bases of numerical simulation of physical processes in aircraft power units
Gas electrodynamics
Plasma kinetics and electrode processes
Energy sources and converters
Nontraditional energy sources and converters
Bases of theory and functioning of plasma accelerators and power units
Physical principles of direct energy conversion
Equipment and experimental support of tests
External effect factors
Bases of simulation of aerospace engineering objects
Reliability and effectiveness of aerospace equipment
General arrangement and design of aerospace engineering objects
Technology of production of plasma accelerators and power units

1,5 years of training

Norm disciplines
Disciplines for special study
Special sections of mathematics and mechanics
Utilization of aerospace engineering objects
Organization and management of production
Optional disciplines (for independent choice)
Labour protection activity in industry
Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in plasma accelerators elements and power units
Power supply and control of rocket engines
Engineering and design of rocket engines
Testings of plasma accelerators and power units
Interaction of plasma flows with gas medium and surface
Construction and design of plasma accelerators and power units
Pre-graduate course

MASTER'S degree
1,5 years of training

Norm disciplines
Disciplines for independent study
Special question of rocket-space engineering designing
Special sections of mathematics and mechanics
Utilization of aerospace engineering objects
Organization and management of production
Optional disciplines (for independent choice)
Labour protection activity in industry
Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in plasma accelerators elements and power units
Power supply and control of rocket engines
Engineering and design of rocket engines
Testings of plasma accelerators and power units
Interaction of plasma flows with gas medium and surface
Construction and design of plasma accelerators and power units

Pre-graduate course

PhD degree
3 years of training

Major subjects
Aircraft engines and power units

Leading instructors:
Belan Nikolay Vasilievich - Professor, D. Sc.

Main published works:
1. A.Loyan, N.Belan, A.Oranskiy, N.Koshelev, S.Lobov. The Results of Researching of Low-Current Self-Heated Hollow Cathodes on Electric Current Range from 0,3 up to 0,5 A.//27th International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPS-2001) (14-19) 12, 2001. 01-272.

2. Основы питания и управления электрореактивных двигательных установок / Н. В. Белан, Н.А. Маштылев. - Харьков: Нац. аэрокосмический ун-т «Харьк. авиац. ин-т», 2002. - 343 с. Bases of power supply and control of electrojet power plants

3. Белан Н.В., Олендарев В.Д., Максименко Т.А. Физико-математическая модель процессов в стационарном плазменном двигателе // Авіаційно-космічна техніка і технологія: Зб. наук. праць. - Харків: Нац. аерокосмічний ун-т "Харк. авіац. ін-т"; Миколаїв: Вид-во МФ НаУКМА, 2002. - Вип. 31. Двигуни та енергоустановки. - С. 254-258.

Physical-mathematical model of stationary plasma engine processes

Bezruchko Konstantin Vasilievich - Professor, D. Sc.

Main published works:
1. Солнечные энергосистемы космических аппаратов. Физическое и математические моделирование / К. В. Безручко, Н. В. Белан, Д. Г. Белов, С. В. Губин, В. И. Драновский, Я. С. Кривцов, И. Т. Перекопский, И. Б. Туркин / Под ред. акад. НАН Украины С.Н. Конюхова. - Харьков: Гос. аэрокосмический ун-т «Харьк. авиац. ин-т», 2000. - 515 с.

Spacecraft solar power systems. Physical and mathematical modeling.

2. Солнечные батареи автоматических космических аппаратов (компоновка на КА, конструкция узлов, проектировочные расчеты) / К. В. Безручко, В. Ф. Гайдуков, С. В. Губин, В. И. Драновский, Я. С. Карпов, И. Б. Туркин - Учеб. пособие для технических вузов и специальностей аэрокосмического профиля. - Харьков: Нац. аэрокосмический ун-т «Харьк. авиац. ин-т»,2001. - 276 с.

Solar batteries of automatic spacecraft (direct installation upon spacecraft, units structure, design calculations)

3. Безручко К. В., Губин С. В., Семененко С. В. Математическое моделирование вольт-амперной характеристики фотоэлектрической батареи для систем автономного электроснабжения // Сборник научных трудов СНИЯЭиП. - Севастополь: СНИЯЭиП, 2002. - Вып. 6. - с. 102-110.

Mathematical modeling of voltage-current characteristics of photoelectric battery used in autonomous power supply systems

Kolesnik Vladimir Petrovich - Associate Professor, Cand. Sc.

Main published works:
1. Гнап А.К., Коваленко Н.И., Колесник В.П. Формирование переходного слоя при взаимодействии потоков металлической плазмы с диэлектриками //Электрометаллургия. Вып. 4, 2001. - 18-21.

Formation of transition layer under metallic plasma flow and dielectrics interaction

2. Формирование жаростойких покрытий типа Me-Cr-Al-Y / Белан Н.В., Иващенко С.С., Колесник В.В., Колесник В.П.// Вопросы проектирования и производства конструкций летательных аппаратов: Сб. науч. трудов. Вып. 30(3). Харьков, 2002 - с. 175.

Formation of heat-resistance coatings of Me-Cr-Al-Y type

Oranskiy Anatoly Ivanovich– Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Main published works:
1. С.А.Огиенко, А.И.Оранский. Моделирование течения нейтрального газа в канале СПД и исследование возможности воздействия на это течение с целью увеличения тяги движителя. // Інтегровані комп'ютерні технології в машинобудуванні. - Харків.: ХАІ, 2001, - С.57.

Simulation of inert gas flow in stationary plasma engine channel and study of possibility of its influence on this flow with the purpose of propeller thrust augmentation.

2. Работы Национального аэрокосмического университета «Харьковский авиационный институт» в области электрореактивных двигателей / Н.В.Белан, В.И.Белоконь, Н.Н.Кошелев, А.В.Лоян, А.И.Оранский, Н.П.Степанушкин // Авіаційно-космічна техніка і технологія: Зб. наук. праць. - Харків: Нац. аерокосмічний ун-т "Харк. авіац. ін-т"; Миколаїв: Вид-во МФ НаУКМА, 2002. - Вип. 34. Двигуни та енергоустановки. - С. 244-247.

Proceedings of the National Aerospace University "Kharkov Aviation Institute" in the field of ion-plasma jet engines.

3. S.Yu.Nesterenko, A.I.Oranskiy. Two-Dimension Effects In Ion Flow Inside Inter-Electrode Gap Of Plasma-Ion Thruster // International Conf. And School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Book of Abstracts. - Alushta (Crimea), Ukraine, September 16-21, 2002. - 2002. - P.12.