Engines of rocket space craft

Engines of rocket-space craft
Engines of rocket-space craft
Engines of rocket-space craft

Department of Rocket Engines
Major subject: Engines of Rocket-Space Craft
Brief annotation of the major subject:

Major subject is aircraft rocket-space engines. Students study the theory and structure of rocket engines of various purposes used in highly efficient and safe vehicles delivering payloads to space, in blade jet practice.

Students also study up-dated internal combustion piston engines used in small aviation.

4 years of training

Natural sciences disciplines
Higher mathematics
Information science
Experimental and theoretical physics
Theoretical mechanics and theory of mechanisms and machines
Engineering and computer graphics
Aircraft material science
Theoretical fundamentals of control
Vocational and practical disciplines
Fundamentals of modeling of aerospace machinery
Marketing and management
Engineering fundamentals of aerospace machinery
Thermodynamics and heat exchange
Electrical engineering and electronics
Functional systems and information measuring systems of aerospace machinery
Physical and chemical fundamentals of manufacturing processes
Integrated computer technology of designing
Design of machines and mechanisms
Life activity safety
Fundamentals of labour protection
Interchangeability and standartization
Mechanical egineering of materials and structures
Enterprise economics

1,5 years of training

Norm disciplines
Disciplines for special study
Special sections of mathematics and mechanics
Utilization of aerospace machinery
Mathematical modeling of aerospace machinery
Optional disciplines (for independent choice)
Special sections of technology
Diagnostics of aircraft engines
Aircraft engine testing
Engine assembly units engineering and designing
Engine systems control and power supply
Pre-diploma course
Information technologies

MASTER'S degree
1,5 years of training

Norm disciplines
Disciplines for independent study
Special sections of mathematics and mechanics
Mathematical modeling of aerospace machinery
Optional disciplines (for independent choice)
Diagnostics of aircraft engines
Engine assembly units engineering and designing
Engine systems control and power supply
Pre-diploma course
Numerical modeling of thermal physical processes in aircraft engines

PhD degree
3 years of training

Major subjects
1. Aircraft engines and power plants
2. Aerodynamics and gas dynamics of aircraft

Leading instructors:
Abrozhevich Alexander Vladimirovich - Professor, D. Sc.

Main published works:
1. Амброжевич А.В. Комплексная численная диагностика газодинамического процесса в турбопоршневом двигателе. // Прогресс. Качество. Технология: Тр. Второго Конгресса двигателестроителей Украины с иностр. Участием, - Киев - Харьков - Рыбачье. - 1997. - С. 113 - 117.
Complex numerical diagnostics of gas dynamic process in turbopiston engines.

2. Амброжевич А.В., Мунштуков Д.А. Семейство целостных моделей нестационарных газодинамических процессов в тепловых двигателях. // Труды ХАИ.: Авиационно-космическая техника и технология, Харьков: ХАИ, 1998. - С. 168 - 172.

Family of integrated models of non-stationary gas dynamic processes in heat engines.

3. Амброжевич А.В. Численное моделирование комплекса нестационарных газодина-мических процессов в тепловых двигателях. Монография. Х.: ХГАДТУ, 1999, - 77 с.

Numerical simulation of a complex of nonstationary gas-dynamic processes in thermal engines.
Grushenko Alexander Michailovich - Associate Professor, Cand. Sc.

Main published works:
1. Грушенко А.М. Перспективы развития термических методов при добыче и обработке гранитов. // Труды ХАИ.: Авиационно-космическая техника и технология, Харьков: ХАИ, 1997. - С. 261 - 265.

Perspectives of development of thermal methods used under extraction and threatment of granites.
2. Грушенко А.М., Завистовский Д.И. Перспективные газодинамические схемы камер сгорания технологических генераторов // Труды ХАИ.: Авиационно-космическая техника и технология, Харьков: ХАИ, 1998. - С. 230 - 235.

Perspective gas dynamic diagrames of combustion chambers of technological generators.

3. Грушенко А.М., Коваленко С.С. Повышение эффективности некоторых типов импульсных тепловых машин. // Труды ХАИ.: Авиационно-космическая техника и технология, Харьков: ХАИ, 2002. - С. 22 - 25.

Increase of effectiveness of some types of pulse heat machines.

Spesivtsev Victor Vasilievich - Associate Professor, Cand. Sc.

Main published works:
1. Спесивцев В.В., Грушенко А.М., Фурсов А.П. Возможности газоструйного способа при локальном нагреве преграды. // Труды ХАИ.: Авиационно-космическая техника и технология, Харьков: ХАИ, 1996. - С. 289 - 293.

Capabilities of gas jet method under local heating of an obstacle.

2. Спесивцев В.В. Физические модели газодинамической структуры начального участка сверхзвуковой осесимметричной струи, истекающей из звукового сопла. // Труды ХАИ.: Авиационно-космическая техника и технология, Харьков: ХАИ, 1998. - С. 31 - 35.

Physical models of gas dynamic structure of initial site of supersonic symmetric axis jet exhausting from sound nozzle.

3. Спесивцев В.В. Математическая обработка результатов измерений при испытаниях объектов авиационно-космической техники. Учебное пособие. - Нац. Аэрокосм. ун-т им. Н.Е.Жуковского «ХАИ». - Х., 2001. - 58 с.

Mathematical processing of measurements results obtained under aerospace machines testing.