Our Library

Our Library

The University's library contains about one million documents. The services include 3 inter-library loans for home use, 4 reading halls for in-service use, 22 libraries for general use available at the departments and hostels and computer hall with Internet.

The library has a hall of catalogues for all the items which are available in the library.

The full computer data bases have been created to hold the library information: on frequently used sources /dissertations, foreign literature, monographs and teaching aids for the KhAI's teachers, etc.

The computer catalogue for the rest items has been carried out since 1998. The library consists of the following funds:

  • scientific and technical literature (333 ths documents);
  • teaching literature (315 ths documents);
  • fiction literature (41 ths documents);
  • foreign literature (40 ths documents;
  • other sources (191 ths documents).
  • There are 220 items of periodic subscriptions in the University's library.